Imaca & Imaca-Tarkov

On 26/03/2019 7:38 pm, 赵家春 wrote:

Dear Artist,
We are very happy to tell you that your work has passed the preliminary selection on March 21. There are altogether 877 shortlisted works being selected out of 4598 pieces of work. The second selection will be held around April 15th.About 300 work will be selected. These 300 work will be exhibited in the Biennial. Each selected artist will receive a catalogue for this Biennial. For more information, please follow us on Facebook"China Printmaking Museum"or"ZhaoJiachun",or you can check the website of China Artists Association at
Please also find attached the list of shortlisted work.Best Regards, Zhao Jiachun


9., E. (2019). Imaca E9-2 pdf. [online] e-deva. Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul. 2019].

BA - MA portfolio

This portfolio contains works done during my BA in Venice, but it was put together during my MA. Copyright @E9 - all rights reserved.

The Immaculate

Join me on the journey of creating Graphic Novel: 

The graphic novel about the immaculate Princess Agnes will offer the opportunity to narrativize story which includes trauma, NDE and spiritual longing within misguided communities of manipulative spiritual leaders who would be taking advantage of their positions. The audience will easily identify with the protagonist of the piece. In doing so they will be able to locate and analyze issues that they themselves were or are experiencing thanks to the way in which the story is illustrated and painted.

Princess Agnes will be born into the most critical circumstances, where greedy relatives and jealous friends will have zero compassion towards a girl who grows up in the middle of domestic violence and substance abuse. The storyline will raise issues relating to custody and rights of the women and children. Of course, there can and is violence targeted at men, this book will focus more on gender issues with the aim of strengthening the position of women and their children in a patriarchal society. (9.,2019).


9., E. (2019). What are the essential ideas and messages I need to communicate? How can I best communicate these messages? How will I communicate ideas, methods and research processes as well as the final outcomes?. Professional Presentation Module. University of Hertfordshire: IDI Interactive Design Institute

Themes and Visual Symbolism: 

"The highly dramatic story of the immaculate Princes Agnes will speak in visual metaphors and will use symbolic language as parallels to modern day issues. For example, Princes Agnes visiting land of Green Elephants and her becoming for that period of time colour blind can be a symbolic way of talking about anyone's experience of being within very different cultures. Giving birth to a half- elephant, half-human baby can be a visual symbol which acts as a way of speaking about the parents of interracial children and the issues they are facing amidst the society which is often rigid, bigot and lacking in flexibility, compassion and tolerance. As we live in a globalized society, cultural differences have become part of an ever-present debate in news and among ordinary people. My aim is to show the absurdity of what all mothers of interracial children (or children who are for example handicapped) have to face. Furthermore, presenting this as the absurd situation of a woman giving birth to a baby which is half elephant and half human can explain how absurd the comments that mothers of interracial children often face are. The aim here is to inspire reflection through the use of absurd scenes." (9.,2019) 

Bibliography: 9., E. (2019). What are the essential ideas and messages I need to communicate? How can I best communicate these messages? How will I communicate ideas, methods and research processes as well as the final outcomes?. Professional Presentation Module. University of Hertfordshire: IDI Interactive Design Institute.

The value of Near Death Experience (NDE): 

The value of Princes Agnes going through the Near-Death-Experience of narcosis, while her half elephant half human baby is being born is there to discuss our understanding of what near death experiences mean and how their integration can inspire our daily lives.

The ideas will be communicated throughout the visual and written medium of agraphic novel. The methods will be communicated by displaying the methodology where I was reading thousands of pages of literature written by three scientists which I aim to interview. A retrospective review of the literature acted as stimulus for my creative idea.

The research processes will be communicated by offering partial disclosures on the procedures undertaken to the audience. For example, annotations taken while reading scientific books could be potentially made partially-available to public. One short video (published on platforms such as Vimeo) could disclose the way inspirations for visual illustrations were drawn from these annotations and how the initial sketches were further transformed into the context for the storyline, the storyboard, and as part of the book, which will be the final outcome. (9.,2019)

Bibliography: 9., E. (2019). What are the essential ideas and messages I need to communicate? How can I best communicate these messages? How will I communicate ideas, methods and research processes as well as the final outcomes?. Professional Presentation Module. University of Hertfordshire: IDI Interactive Design Institute.

The Immaculate

Outcome available at: 

Princess Agnes, Protagonist.

Front Image Self Reference:
9., E. (2020). Princess Agnes, Protagonist. Graphic novel "The Immaculate" Major Study Module.

Roth, H. (1990). The following poem is written by Helen DeCrane Roth, U.S. Navy Nurse, assisting on Jerry Stadtmiller's 13 hours long surgery.... [online] Available at: home/guilt-forgiveness/jerry-stadtmiller-forgiveness/eyes/ [Accessed 18 Jan. 2020].

"I need to know that your wounds healed, that you can smile again and laugh.Then I, too, will be at peace." Helen DeCrane Roth (1990)"


Transformation over the weekend.

After I have formally finished my professional creative training, I decided to make a self portrait, something I did not do for sixteen years. For half year, I was unable to finish it.

copyright: E9